Best Golf Course Management Practices (englisch)

Artikelnummer: 13745


L. McCarty
Best Golf Course Management Practices

Best Golf Course Management Practices, Second Edition is the most complete and up-to-date guidebook and reference for those studying turfgrass manage-ment, including golf courses and sports fields.
Written by top turfgrass scientists, this book provides in-depth information and tips on growing grass with minimum inputs. Included are chapters on the best turf-grasses for golf courses; preventing and managing en-vironmental stresses such as cold, drought, and heat stress; golf course design and maintenance conside-rations for environmentally friendly turf; pest manage-ment; and irrigation water quality and quantity.
The latest research and applied trends on pest control, soils and soil amendments, fertilizers and fertilization strategies, drainage, green's construction options, bent-grass/poa and bermudagrass green management, and the latest labor and budget requirements for maintaining modern golf facilities are included.
A new chapter on budgets and personnel management
Recent changes in pesticides, fertilizers, grasses, and management techniques and strategies have been added
Latest updates on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies and procedures
Revised color photographs on the most destructive diseases and other problematic pests and management situations for golf courses
Bert McCarty is a Professor of Horticulture specializing in turfgrass science and management at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. A native of Batesburg, South Carolina, McCarty received a BS degree from Clemson University in Agronomy and Soils, an MS from North Carolina State University in Crop Science, and a PhD from Clemson University in Plant Physiology and Plant Pathology.




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